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Sealed quotations are invited from authorized suppliers/ shops for supplying Tyres for Hyundai Kona -
Electric Vehicle at K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts, Thekkumthala,
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Sealed quotations are invited for do painting works for shooting floor with 2 coat of Tile Guard paints at K.R.Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts, Thekkumthala, Kottayam. The details of works are as follows.
Sealed quotations are invited for Repairing of GI Bridge in the ladies hostel at K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts, Thekkumthala, Kottayam.
Sealed quotations are invited for do painting works for shooting floor with 2 coat of Tile Guard paints at K.R.Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts, Thekkumthala, Kottayam. The details of works are as follows.
Sealed Quotations are invited for cleaning and sterilizing the beds in the hostel and stitching Rexin covers at K R narayanan National Institute of Visual Science and Arts
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Sealed Quotations are invited for Kino Flo Booster PCB Boards in Cinematography Department  K R narayanan National Institute of Visual Science and Arts
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K.R. Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science and Arts, a Government of Kerala initiative for film education Invites Expression of interest for Design, Development, Hosting & maintenance of KRNNIVSA Website -Date Extended
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Sealed quotations are invited for Paving Block work Guest House Front Road in 
K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science &
Arts, Thekkumthala, Kottayam.
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Sealed quotations are invited for Annual Maintenance Contract facility of the
EPABX System installed at K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science &
Arts, Thekkumthala, Kottayam.
900-A4-KRNNIVSA-2017 EPABX Quotation.jpg
K.R. Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science and Arts, a Government of Kerala initiative for film education Invites Expression of interest for Design, Development, Hosting & maintenance of KRNNIVSA Website
Quotn 28-12-2023.jpg
Sealed quotations are invited for do painting works for shooting floor with 2 coat
of Tile Guard paints at K.R.Narayanan National Institute of Visual
Science &Arts,
Quotn 28-12-2023.jpg
Sealed quotations are invited for the supply of following Listed  items atK R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts,Thekkumthala, Kottayam
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Sealed quotations are invited for the supply Shoulder Strap Carry Bags for Audiography Department in K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts, Thekkumthala, Kottayam
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Sealed Quotations are invited to clean the existing bore well in the campus by pulling out the motor from the well using chain  and pulley arrangement at
K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts,
Thekkumthala, Kottayam
Sealed quotations are invited for Maintenance  at
K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts,
Thekkumthala, Kottayam
Sealed quotations are invited for the supply of following Listed  items at
K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts,
Thekkumthala, Kottayam
Sealed quotations are invited from experienced firms/persons/agenciesfor running a canteen in the Institute.
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Sealed quotations are invited for Purchase Rechargable Battery Pack Lithium for K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts
985-HOD_AUDIOGRAPHY-KRNNIVSA-2023 Rechargable Battery.jpg
Sealed quotations are invited Purchase of Head Phones for Audiography Department in K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts
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Sealed quotations are invited for the supply of Camera Accessories
for K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts
162-A2-KRNNIVSA-2019 Quotation Camera Accessorie1s.jpg
Sealed quotations are invited to NP-FW50 7.2 VOLT Batteries for
Sony A75 Cameras for K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts
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Sealed quotations are invited to Calibrating the Sound Systems
installed inthe Preview Theatre
at K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts,.
Refill Fire-Extinguisher Cylinder installed at K R Narayanan
National Institute of Visual Science & Arts.
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Sealed quotations from eligible agencies for calibration of projectors
installed in the DI suite and Preview theatre
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sealed quotations from eligible agencies for AMC for UPSs installed
in the campus
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Sealed quotations are invited from persons/agencies
for Supplying Drinking Water to  the Institute.
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Sealed quotations are invited from persons/agencies
for Supplying Drinking Water to  the Institute.
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Sealed quotations are invited from experienced firms/persons/agencies
for running a canteen in the Institute.
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Sealed quotations are invited for supply of SENNHEISER-MKE
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Bid Notification for Setting up of Centralized Store
Bid Notification for Setting up of Centralized Store
Sealed quotations are invited from experienced firms/persons/agencies
for running a canteen in the Institute.
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Sealed Quotations invited for  supply of Fire-Extinguishers
Sealed Quotations invited for Repair & service of Air conditioner
Sealed quotations are invited from authorized suppliers / persons /shops
for supply of 1000 litres of battery water for the inverters
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Sealed quotations are invited from experienced firms/persons/agencies
for running a canteen in the Institute.
Short Tender Notice
Miscellaneous works like repairs & painting of Animation,
Direction & Acting Dept. Buildings in KRNNIVSA Campus
Sealed quotations are invited from experienced firms/persons/agencies
for running a canteen in the Institute.
Last Date Extended upto 14/06/2022
Sealed Quotations invited for Repair & service of Air conditioners 
Sealed quotations are invited from authorized dealers to repair & service of Air conditioners installed at K R Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts
Sealed quotations are invited for the Repair & Service of Air Conditioners
Sealed quotations are invited for the supply of 650 Watts Baby (CP/23) Bulbs
Quantity : 12 Nos
Tender Notice for 5.1 Mixing Facility
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Sealed quotations are invited from experienced firms/persons/agencies
for running a canteen in the Institute.
Tender Notice for 5.1 Mixing Facility
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Sealed quotations are invited from experienced professionals for the works related to include subtitles (English) in the Diploma Film Projects of students in the Institute. 
Tenders are invited for supply and installation of UPS, supply of wiring materials and labour charges for wiring in the ground and first floor of the Administration building of the Institute.
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Short tenders are invited for supply of Zoom recorders for the
Audiography department of the Institute.
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© Copyright 2022 by KRNNIVSA


Tel:  +91 - 9061706113


Thekkumthala, Kanjiramattom P. O.

Kottayam-686585, Kerala, India.

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